The sunflower - as magnificent as the sun

The sunflower is one of our most magnificent summer flowers. With its large yellow flowers, it shines in competition with the sun.

How do you grow a sunflower in a pot? How often should you water it and when does the sunflower bloom? Inspiration and answers can be found below.

Tips and inspiration about sunflowers

two massive sunflowers being watered

How often should you water a sunflower?

As the sunflower is sensitive to drought, you should water it regularly. If you plant out the sunflower, you can advantageously give it extra nutrition after a month or so. It can be natural manure, compost or manure water.

Care advice : Pick off flowers that start to wither. Then the plant often sets more flowers, so you can enjoy your sunflower for an extra long time.

Two sunflowers in pots being watered

Sunflower in a pot

Sunflowers are really fun to grow! The seeds are large and easy to handle, both small and large fingers easily put them into the soil. It is one of our easiest summer flowers to grow and it also looks very nice in a pot on the patio.

Use a slightly larger pot. Fill the pot two-thirds full with regular potting soil. Then top with seed soil. Place the sunflower seed about one centimeter below the soil. Then water and place the pot in a warm place.

The sunflower germinates quickly, grows quickly and can become incredibly large in just one season. When you see the first small leaves look up, place the pot in a bright but cooler place. The night temperature should be around 15°C. When the sunflower plant has grown out of the pot, replant it in a new, larger one.

Sunflower in a pot. Plant your sunflower in a pot with soil

Grow sunflowers

The sunflower is an easy-to-grow flower. Give it a deep, nutritious and well-drained soil along with regular watering and it will grow quickly. Of course, the plant thrives best in a sunny location.

Sunflowers can be sown directly on the planting site in May, as soon as the soil has warmed up. If you want the sunflower to bloom early in the year, you can grow them indoors as early as April.

The stately and hardy sunflower blooms from midsummer to early autumn.

If you have a problem with slugs, it may also be a good idea to pre-grow indoors. The snails love the little sunflower shoots. Even pollinating insects like sunflowers. Which is very good for the environment and nature. In addition, the nutritious seed cakes become food for birds and other small animals during the winter months.

Three sunflowers and a pair of scissors. Sunflowers as cut flowers

The sunflower as a cut flower

Did you know that the sunflower can be used as a cut flower? Cut a diagonal incision in the stem and place in a tall vase with water.

Remember to remove all leaves that risk ending up under water before you put it in a vase. Feel free to remove a few extra if you want - the leaves take a lot of energy and that way the flower stays nice for longer. Cut the stems diagonally with a sharp knife and place in a beautiful vase that provides both support and space.

several sunflowers in a hug. Sunflowers as cut flowers

Facts about the sunflower

The sunflower is named as it is because the flower itself faces the sun. That's why you can see a whole field of sunflowers facing the same direction. It's also a fitting name as the flower actually also looks like a sun.

several sunflowers lying on a summer bridge

Flowering time: July-October

Height : 50-300 cm depending on variety
Location : sunny
Plant distance : approx. 30 cm
Soil/nutrition : Thrives in nutritious and warm soil. If you want a stately sunflower, a lot of nutrition is required.
Watering : If you water too little, the plants will be thin.