Iris – a proud flower

The word iris, like many other flowers, comes from the Greek language and means rainbow. This is because the iris has a wealth of colors. The iris has a long history and has been cultivated since the 15th century BC. and in the Middle Ages the flower was used as a medicinal plant. The flower lives in the northern hemisphere mainly in the temperate parts.

Three groups of irises

The iris is divided into three different groups, each with different characteristics. The first group is called the tuber or onion group. It includes the very earliest spring flowers known as spring iris. It is the exclamation mark of early summer. It is a low flower that comes in the color white or blue. If the winter is mild, it can come as early as February or March. When planting, you should choose a place where the snow disappears relatively quickly and it should also be warm, such as at a flower bed along the house wall or near the balcony. The tubers must not stand in water because they have a tendency to rot there. The second group is called beardless irises, which appreciate moist places where there is often shallow water, such as a pond. The difference from the first group is that it has a rhizome instead of a bulb or tuber. It usually comes in the color yellow and can be meters high. The name of that species is iris pseudacorus. Last but not least comes the third group known as bearded irises. Like the group above, this group also has a soil stem. The name comes from the fact that it looks like the iris has a colorful beard on the upper side of the outer calcareous leaves. The most common iris in this group is called iris germanica but has some synonyms such as German iris, garden iris and bearded iris. That variety is the largest within the iris groups.

When the iris is planted, the rhizomes must not be covered deep into the soil or, if it is an iris with a tuber, only a small part of the tuber must come into contact with the soil. Ideally, planting should take place in September and then it is important to water one month after cultivation. The iris thrives and can be grown in gardens, flowerbeds and around stone areas. During planting, the distance should be around 25-40 cm and it needs calcareous garden soil, clayey soil or sand mixed soil. The rebate must be raised with a slope, which means that the water does not remain during the winter. Winter moisture can damage the iris otherwise winter is no problem for the flower regardless of variety. What is important is to cover the soil in winter with straw, pine needles or fir rice. During the autumn, it should be fertilized, a fertilizer that contains magnesium. However, the nitrogen content (N) must not be higher than 2-3% as it can then be harmful. Viruses are detected by yellow streaks on the leaves. The iris prefers sun and during the summer it is important to water in the evenings.

Did you know this about iris?

The iris is poisonous and can damage the gastrointestinal tract because the plant juice contains toxic substances.
A blue iris means, if I choose you, I lack self-respect while a yellow iris means, not sure if I dare to love you.