Dahlia – the queen of late summer

Dahlias with their colorful charm are an absolutely fantastic flower. It blooms during July and August and is incredibly beautiful in a late summer bouquet. Dahlias are a beloved flower, especially as a garden plant, but also as a cut flower in late summer and autumn.

Dahlia, one of our most loved cut flowers

yellow dahlia as a cut flower in a small glass vase

How to care for your dahlias

1. Clean the stem of leaves so they don't end up in the water. When the leaves are in the water, bacteria form that accelerate the decomposition process.

2. Give the stem a new cut before putting it in water, so that the flower can absorb the water properly.

3. A trick you can use is to put the stems in almost boiling water for an hour or so first. This is said to extend the shelf life of the dahlia.

4. Then put them in cold water with flower food in it. And feel free to change the water every day, so you can enjoy your dahlias for an extra long time.

that's how you plant your dahlias.

So do you plant dahlias in pots?

1. Use a plastic bucket or pot with a hole in the bottom, preferably 20 litres.

2. Fill the pot with planting soil and place the tuber 10 cm below the soil surface. March-April is a good time to bring the tubers to life.

3. Place your dahlia in a bright and cool place.

4. Water sparingly until green shoots start to grow out of the soil. When your potted dahlia starts to grow, it is important to water regularly, because they do not like drying out. In addition, there is a greater risk of powdery mildew infestation if potted plants have been allowed to dry out repeatedly.

a beautiful dahlia bouquet with pink purple dahlias, apricot roses and purple chrysanthemums

Dahlia in flower arrangement

The dahlia is a very popular cut flower. It fits perfectly all by itself, perhaps in a wonderful bouquet with mixed varieties or the same variety.

It is of course also suitable as an element in a late summer bouquet together with other flowers.

It is easy to succeed with dahlias in flower arrangements and it is excellent to mix different dahlia varieties. Let yourself be inspired by their colors and fantastic shapes.

In this bouquet we have mixed dark pink dahlias and santini together with apricot roses and yarrows. And of course the greens of the season.

yellow dahlias in small vases on a set summer table

Dahlias in small vases

Decorate your late summer party with dahlias. Collect your small vases and place them on the table with each dahlia in it.

Make your table decoration colorful with dahlias in lots of colors and shapes or choose a color that fits the theme of the party. It is guaranteed to impress your guests.

There are about 30 different species of dahlia

Dahlia can look very different, but there are about 30 different species and also many varieties within these species. They occur in tropical areas of America, and above all in Mexico, where the Indians originally used the tubers in their diet.

The dahlia got its name from the Swedish natural scientist and doctor Anders Dahl, who was a contemporary of Carl von Linné.

Lots of colors and shapes

Dahlias can vary greatly in appearance, the flower comes in almost every imaginable color and shape. There is everything from small so-called topmix dahlias that are only a few centimeters large to decorative dahlias that are almost as big as dinner plates.

The shape varies greatly, cactus dahlias are, as the name implies, spiky, popmpom dahlias are round like balls and we have both water lily dahlias and peony dahlias, which of course got their names for a clear reason.

The dahlia is sensitive to cold

Since the dahlia originates from a warm climate, they are of course sensitive to cold. So growing dahlias requires some care. The first thing you should think about is to buy really fresh bulbs that have not been on a shelf for too long and shriveled, buy your dahlia tubers as soon as they hit the market. Check them so that they have "eyes" on what will later become shots.

When you get them home, it may not yet be time for planting, so you should store them dry and cool and not enclosed, until the time is right.

You can plant dahlias in their intended place as soon as the night frost is over, but it can also be a good idea to grow them indoors for a couple of weeks, so that they bloom earlier and longer.

Adds extra fertiliser

Dahlias need a lot of sun and heat, so it is important to choose the right place to plant them. They also want well-fertilized and vigorous soil that is well-drained. You should also add extra fertilizer during the growing season. You plant the flowers shallow, and therefore they may also need extra support when they have grown up, so that they do not topple over.

In autumn, the dahlias are also extra sensitive to the first night frost, so keep a close eye on the temperature. They can continue to bloom peacefully for quite some time if you only protect them from the first frosty nights with some kind of covering.

When the frost really sets in and the flowers turn brown and ugly, it's really time to pick up the tubers. Pick them up carefully, they are delicate, leave some soil around the tubers and cut off the brown leaves and stems.

Store cool and dark

Then place them on a bed of peat litter and cover with additional peat. They are then stored cool, dark and dry until it is time to plant again. If you have planted your dahlias in pots, of course you bring the whole pot inside and let it dry out during the winter.

There are also dahlia seeds to sow these days. If you pre-grow these, they will produce early, low summer dahlias that are great in urns and pots. These dahlias also develop tubers over time that you can pick up and replant next season.

Frequently asked questions

How long do dahlias bloom?

Dahlias bloom from the end of June and throughout the summer you have large, beautiful flowers. If you want to grow ready-made dahlias, you can buy tubers at the garden store. You can also sow dahlia seeds.

When and how to plant dahlias?

Plant your dahlias when you are sure the night frost is over. Grow directly in the garden or pot. Place the tubers about 50 cm apart. If you grow in a pot, it must be at least 30 litres.